Terms And Conditions


Meeting Tomorrow only provides rentals and services for businesses, non-profits and other organizations. By placing your order you agree that you will not be using the rental equipment for individual or private use. If you have questions about this policy please call us at (877) 728-5207.

As a condition of placing any order with Meeting Tomorrow, you agree to the following terms and conditions. The terms “Meeting Tomorrow,” “Provider,” “we” or “our” refer to Meeting Tomorrow, Inc. The terms “Client,” “you” or “yours” refer to the customer ordering Meeting Tomorrow services, equipment rentals, or products. All orders placed by you or the authorized credit card users will be subject to these terms and conditions, unless otherwise agreed by both you and Meeting Tomorrow in writing, and acceptance of any orders by you is conditional upon your agreement of these terms and conditions.

Scope of Services

Client is partnering with Meeting Tomorrow to support technology needs as detailed in this Agreement.

Equipment responsibility

While the equipment is onsite at your delivery location, it is your responsibility to ensure that the equipment is not stolen, damaged, or otherwise harmed. You agree to use the equipment in a careful and proper manner and you shall not use the equipment in any way that is inconsistent with its intended use. You are responsible for paying repair or replacement fees associated with any loss or theft of, or damages to, the equipment while the equipment is at the delivery location to the extent that the damage is not covered by Accidental Damage Coverage if you have purchased that  coverage. Equipment must be returned to Meeting Tomorrow in its original state and usable by Meeting Tomorrow. You are responsible to either help resolve the issue or pay for a full replacement of the equipment if the equipment is returned not in its original state. This also applies to equipment returned to Meeting Tomorrow with its software in an unusable state (e.g. with Apple iCloud Activation Lock or Jailbroken).


Meeting Tomorrow is not liable for internet connection in any way as Meeting Tomorrow cannot control internet bandwidth or data connections from any service provider.

Event cancellation

Cancellations made 5 business days before the scheduled delivery day will receive a full refund. There are no refunds for orders canceled within 5 business days of the scheduled delivery day, and will be paid in full.

Rental period extension

After your event is completed, if you are responsible for returning your equipment to UPS and your equipment package is not received by UPS on the agreed upon date, your rental period will be automatically extended to the same duration and billable rate as the initial rental. Please refer to your order confirmation for the return date or call Meeting Tomorrow directly for any questions you have on returning your rental. You may also visit, www.meetingtomorrow.com/returns.

Pricing and Payment

Payment method

Upon your return of a signed Agreement to Meeting Tomorrow, you authorize Meeting Tomorrow to charge the credit card that you have provided (Visa, MasterCard or American Express) in the amount equal to the total fees due under this Agreement. You also authorize Meeting Tomorrow to charge the credit card on file for all payments and fees in accordance with this agreement upon the end of the event specified in this Agreement, including but not limited to charges for charges for optional services, and Meeting Tomorrow’s expenses associated with loss of, or damage to, the equipment utilized by the technician while the equipment is at the delivery location.


In consideration for the services, equipment rentals, and/or products you order from Meeting Tomorrow, you agree to pay the total fees due as listed above.

Accidental damage coverage

Meeting Tomorrow’s optional Accidental Damage Coverage covers any damage incurred to the equipment during your rental period that was not caused by intentional damage, gross negligence, theft or loss. If you do not choose Meeting Tomorrow’s Accidental Damage Coverage, you will be wholly responsible for any damages to the equipment whether non-intentional or intentional. If you have purchased the Accidental Damage Coverage it will be noted on your invoice/order confirmation.

Sales/use taxes

Applicable sales or other transaction taxes imposed on us in connection with your order or rental of the equipment or rendering of services will be added to the rental fees payable by you. Applicable use or other transaction taxes imposed on you by any third parties in connection with your order or rental of the equipment or rendering of services are solely your responsibility to report and pay.


You agree to immediately notify our offices at (877) 728-5207 if you have any issues with our equipment, or any concern whatsoever. If your issue occurs after our regular business hours, please call (877) 728-5207 to be connected with our 24-hour technical assistance staff. Meeting Tomorrow is not responsible for the compatibility of the equipment rented pursuant to this agreement with any equipment supplied by you or a third party with whom you contracted.


You agree that Meeting Tomorrow may use your company name and information in marketing materials and website listings of customers with written approval.

Mutual Force Majeure

Neither Party will be liable to the other party or responsible for any delay in performance or failure to perform under this Agreement (other than their failure to make payments as provided herein) if such failure to delay is caused by war (whether war is declared or not), fire, act of God, earthquake, flood, strike or other labor disturbances, lockout, embargo, governmental acts or orders or restrictions, lack or failure of telecommunications facilities and/or services including Internet services and satellite services, vandalism, epidemic, pandemic, failure of suppliers, or any other reason where failure to perform is beyond the reasonable control and not caused by the negligence, intentional conduct, or misconduct of the non-performing Party and such Party has exerted all reasonable efforts to avoid or remedy such force majeure; provided, however, that the non-performing Party shall use reasonable commercial efforts to avoid or remove such causes of nonperformance and shall continue performance hereunder with reasonable dispatch whenever such causes are removed.

Mutual Liability

Both Parties agree to defend, indemnify and hold harmless the other Party, including its officers and employees, from any and all claims, suits, damages, losses, liabilities (including but not limited to Workers’ Compensation claims) arising from the other Party’s, subcontractors’ or guests’ use of the equipment or either Party’s violation of this Agreement. Both Parties agree that neither Party shall be liable to the other Party for any incidental, indirect, special, exemplary, punitive, consequential or lost profits damages related to or arising out of this Agreement. Both Parties agree that neither Party shall be liable for any damages that exceed the fees paid by you under this Agreement.

General Terms and Controlling Law

These terms and conditions together with Meeting Tomorrow’s order confirmation(s) represent the complete Agreement of the Parties, supersedes any previous communications between the Parties, and no terms or conditions in any way adding to, modifying or otherwise changing the provisions stated herein and in Meeting Tomorrow’s order confirmation shall be binding upon Meeting Tomorrow unless made in writing and signed and approved by an officer of Meeting Tomorrow. You represent and warrant that you have not relied and cannot rely upon any representation or warranty made by Meeting Tomorrow pertaining to the matters concerning this Agreement, except to the extent that such representation or warranty is expressly set forth in the terms of this Agreement. Neither Party may assign its interest under this Agreement to any other Party without our prior written consent; provided, however, that Meeting Tomorrow may assign this Agreement without such consent in connection with a merger, acquisition, corporate reorganization or sale of all or substantially all of its relevant assets. This Agreement and all rights and obligations hereunder shall be governed by the laws of the State of Illinois in the discretion of the Party filing a claim or commencing litigation. The exclusive jurisdiction and venue of any legal proceedings for the resolution of disputes arising out of or in connection with this Agreement shall be a court of competent jurisdiction in Cook County, Illinois, USA. To the extent permissible by law, the Parties waive a trial by jury in connection with any legal proceeding arising out of or in connection with this Agreement. In the event any legal action is commenced by you or Meeting Tomorrow for the purposes of enforcing any provision of these Terms and Conditions, or in connection with any breach of this Agreement, Meeting Tomorrow shall be entitled to its reasonable attorney fees, expenses and court costs should Meeting Tomorrow prevail in the legal action.

These terms and conditions shall apply to all orders placed with Meeting Tomorrow. If you have any questions, comments or concerns please contact us at (877) 728-5207.

Thank you once again,

Meeting Tomorrow

Updated November 16, 2023